Friday, May 31, 2019

The art of loving :: essays research papers

The maneuver of Loving is a slim volume of notwithstanding a little over a c pages yet it packs one hell of a punch. Written some fifty years ago, here is a more damning indictment of modern inn than anything the existential crowd of Bertrand Russell, Albert Camus or Jean Paul Sartre could cook up. The Art of Loving is a very concise and pithy read, it is written in the compact lucid panache of gospel, each word in each line serving a critical function. This is not a writers style nor is a critics but that of a scientist, impartial and wholly objective some may think of it as cold. But it is also lento to see that it is written by a man who is completely at ease with his ideas, who has followed them to their natural conclusion that Love is a dead flower and only one in a million may ever resurrect it in his or her life.Something as audacious a title as The Art of Loving could only have been pulled off by a man of the calibre of Bertrand Russell, and as a social philosopher, reformer and rebel Erich Fromm is no slight great a name. As a psychoanalyst, he diverged from the typical Freudian obsession with unconscious drives and insisted on the importance of economic and social factors for mental well-being. His industrial plant are noted for their emphasis on a sane society, one which is based on rational human needs and where individuality is not compromised in the name of economics or authority. Erich Fromm is one of the pivotal figures in the Humanist movement that reared its head for a short flicker after origination War II. His highly influential works (including Man for Himself, Escape from Freedom, The Sane Society, etc.) paint the pathetic picture of dazed consumer and encourage a renaissance of new, tyro values to salvage our humanity.And its more than just talk in The Art of Loving, Fromm quotes effortlessly from Marx, Huxley, Rumi and several religious texts to hammer in his points. Is Love very an art? Undoubtedly, he answers, in as muc h as Life itself is an art which has a very nice ring to it, but seems to be a wholly outdated formula and which is where our problems begin. The world is a Market today, Fromm says, and our whole culture is based on the idea of a mutually favourable fill in.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Racism in Richard Wrights Black Boy Essay -- Wright Black Boy Essays

Racism in Wrights shadowy Boy The theme of Richard Wrights autobiography Black Boy is racism. Wright grew up in the turbid South the Jim Crow South of the early twentieth century. From an early age Richard Wright was aware of two races, the black and the white. Yet he never understood the dealing between the two races. The fact that he didnt understand but was always trying to, got him into trouble many times. When in Memphis, Wright reluctantly assumed the role community dictated for him, the role of a black boy. He became a black boy for the sole purpose of survival, to make enough money to eventually go along North where he could be himself. As an innocent child Wright sees no difference between the blacks and the whites. Yet he is aware of the existence of a difference. My gran who was as white as any white person, had never looked white to me. (Wright pg. 31). This statement shows his confusion about blacks and whites. When, as a child Wr ight learned of a white man musical rhythming a black boy he believed that the white man was allowed to beat the black child. Wright did not think that whites had the right to beat blacks because of their race. Instead he assumed that the white man was the black boys father. When Wright learned that this was not true, and that the boy was beaten because of his race, he was un able to rationalize it. Even as he got older he didnt see the color of people. In one instance Richard and a friend are standing outside a bring out when some white people pass by, Richard doesnt move to accomodate the white people because he simple didnt notice that they were white. ... ...ter. It has enlightened me. Before reading this book I could not have imagined the horrific truths of only a short while ago, in a place not so far away. Everyone could gain something from this book, for me it demonstrates that the gay race was not, and is not as civilized as it appears. Works Cited an d Consulted Appiah, K. A. and Henry Louis Gates, Jr., eds. Richard Wright Critical Perspectives Past and Present. New York Amistad Press, 1993. Skerrett, Joseph T., Jr. Wright and the Making of Black Boy. in Richard Wrights Black Boy Modern Critical Interpretations. New York Chelsea House, 1988. Stepto, Robert. Literacy and Ascent Black Boy. Appiah, 226-254. Thaddeus, Janice. The Metamorphosis of Black Boy. Appiah 272-284. Wright, Richard. Black Boy. New York Harper, 1944.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Do Men and Women Experience Pain Differently? :: Biology Essays Research Papers

Do Men and Women Experience Pain Differently?Pain has been an under-researched atomic number 18a of medicine, but today physicians are increasingly interested in the workings and treatment of various types of torture. In particular, a growing body of research exists on the different ways in which men and women may experience pain and the implications of these differences for medical treatment. Does the sex of an individual make a difference in their pain experience? Numerous researchers entrust that women are more sensitive to pain than men, while others believe that the differences between the pain experiences of men and women are not significant. Over the course of my research I found that part of the problem in trying to answer the question lies in how scientists measure the pain experience of men and women.The difference in the pain experience of men and women is an understudied area because most previous studies of pain and its potential treatments have totally used men or m ale animals. For scientists, using exactly males was simpler since women have reproductive hormone cycles that could complicate the studies. The implication of this, of course, is that sex differences in the experience of pain (and in many other aspects of health) has remained an understudied area. However, in 1993 President Clinton sign the NIH Revitalization Act, which requires the inclusion of women in NIH research. In 1996 the NIH formed a Pain Research Consortium, and in 1998 the NIH held a conference entitled Gender and Pain (1).At the NIH conference, some researchers argued that sex differences in pain are substantial and argued specifically that women are more sensitive to pain. For example, women report pain more often and as well report it at higher levels than men. Additionally, when men and women are exposed to the same pain stimulus, women will say that they are in pain more right away than men (1).However, others believe that sex differences in the experience of pa in may not be so significant. The higher reported pain levels of women may be due more to gender socialization than to biological differences between men and women. For example, in most laboratory pain studies women report about twenty percentage more pain than men (2). However, researchers at the University of Florida examined pain reporting of chronic pain patients in a clinical setting and found that women reported only three to ten percent more pain than men, a significantly smaller difference.

Comparing Much Ado About Nothing :: essays research papers

In the first essay, written by Jean Howard, the main idea or thesis seems to localise on the antitheatrical aspects of the play. The actual thesis would be Shakespe are employs antitheatrical discourse in a way that advantages certain social groups without calling attention to the fact that it does that. Howard takes a loss approach to the play. She looks at how the conflict intertwines itself and makes a constant reference to the social aspects of each of the characters in the play. Howard starts by giving general ideas where she gives a brief succinct of the main plot of the story that involves Don sewer, Don Pedro, and Claudio. She reads the play in relationship to antitheatrical tracts. This makes the political dimensions more apparent in the work. The play itself speaks to several diametrical senses of social class. Although Much Ado about Nothing is a play, it mirrors the world as it was. It deals with the power being put in the hands of the "status quo" and it ma kes give ear of the social order, especially the fear of women who want the same power as men.Howard also mentions that the play seems to emphasize the consequences of sin, in this case, telling lies. She goes into the scene where Don John gets Margaret, Heros servant, to play Hero as so to deceive Claudio. This would make Hero appear to be "easy" and make Claudio not want to marry her. beforehand all of this goes on, Don Pedro impersonates Claudio at the ball, to get in Heros good graces. This is another lie. Even though Don Pedros "trick" does more good than harm, the audience and readers are now given the job to cope with the morality of each situation. Most of Howards reading of the play deals with the two impersonators (Don John and Don Pedro) and their sense of moral responsibility during this time. It also speaks to the social consequences of their practices. Howard suggests that Don John provides a moral reading because he is the chief antagonist in the pl ay. She seems to say that in essence, he is mephistophelean and readers can identify and justify his actions because he is evil. Does that make it right? She also says that since he is the bastard brother of Don Pedro, his evil acts are ideologically profound because they identify the social disorder of those who have and those who have not.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Leading With The Heart :: GCSE Business Management BTEC Essays

Leading With The HeartI. Preseason Ch. 1 Getting OrganizedEstablish right a room in the set-back meeting the only happen for the police squad Dont do anything thats detrimental to yourself. Because if its detrimental to you, itll be detrimental to our program... (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.4). Dont dwell on it, so it does not ruin themoment.Recruit individuals who want to be part of a team and who are cacheable.Use plural pronouns from the genuinely first meeting on. Use the words our instead of my, we instead of I, and us instead of me. Leadership on a team is plural, not singular.Make sure as shooting you are not the only one speaking in meetings, especially the first one, to demonstrate the principal of were all important (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.7). Include players, assistants, trainers, and team managers. Time ManagementDuring the first meeting, hand out notebooks and pocket calendars with important dateslisted, such as practice times, special events, and game schedule. Teach time management, not only as it relates to individuals, but as it pertains to a group (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.18). Academics remind athletes to tell professors of their schedules, when they will be missing class,and their plans on what to do for getting the materials they missed. back up the athletes to get the total university life experience. That is why there areno athletic dorms, so there is no separation between the athletes and student body. tautness the honor in academics and all things. RulesThe rule dont do anything detrimental to yourself covers a wide variety of things.Establishing too many rules gets in the way of leadership. Dont be a team of Igotchas (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.10). Leadership is ongoing, adjustable, flexible and dynamic, and so it allows the leader to have discretion. No hard and fast rule gives the leader the flexibility in different situations and provides the latitude to lead (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.11). Support SystemSet up a family support syste m for your team. Its handle getting a shot to keep awayjealousy (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.12).Distribute laminated cards to each individual with the phone numbers of staff and fellowplayers. Remind them to call somebody when theyre in harms way. A Handshake DealMake handshake deals with players during the recruiting process, and tell them of thefair but not equal policy, which mean be fair in everything that you do, but players

Leading With The Heart :: GCSE Business Management BTEC Essays

Leading With The HeartI. Preseason Ch. 1 Getting OrganizedEstablish right away in the first meet the merely rule for the team Dont do anything thats detrimental to yourself. Because if its detrimental to you, itll be detrimental to our program... (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.4). Dont dwell on it, so it does not ruin themoment.Recruit individuals who want to be part of a team and who are cacheable.Use plural pronouns from the very first meeting on. Use the words our instead of my, we instead of I, and us instead of me. Leadership on a team is plural, not singular.Make sure you are not the only one speaking in meetings, especially the first one, to demonstrate the principal of were all important (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.7). Include players, assistants, trainers, and team managers. Time solicitudeDuring the first meeting, hand out notebooks and pocket calendars with important dateslisted, such as practice times, special events, and game schedule. Teach time management, not only as it rel ates to individuals, but as it pertains to a group (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.18). AcademicsRemind athletes to tell professors of their schedules, when they will be missing class,and their plans on what to do for getting the materials they missed.Encourage the athletes to get the make sense university life experience. That is why there areno athletic dorms, so there is no separation between the athletes and student body.Stress the honor in academics and all things. RulesThe rule dont do anything detrimental to yourself covers a wide variety of things.Establishing too many rules gets in the way of leadership. Dont be a team of Igotchas (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.10). Leadership is ongoing, adjustable, flexible and dynamic, and so it allows the leader to have discretion. No hard and fast rule gives the leader the tractability in different situations and provides the latitude to lead (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.11). Support SystemSet up a family support system for your team. Its like gett ing a shot to keep awayjealousy (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.12).Distribute laminated cards to each individual with the phone numbers of staff and fellowplayers. Remind them to call psyche when theyre in harms way. A Handshake DealMake handshake deals with players during the recruiting process, and tell them of the unobjectionable but not equal policy, which means be fair in everything that you do, but players

Monday, May 27, 2019

1-Year Marketing Plan Essay

IntroductionThis one-year strategic commercialiseing plan for Great childs snap lifelikes (3G) has been created by its founder to obtain surplus private funding for the company. Great Gaming computer computer graphics has been launched two years ago and the discrete natural chip prototypes that got developed during this time shows great promise, offering computer manoeuvre bright speeds in excess of 220% compargond to the competition. The prototypes have been put on graphic card intimateence boards for standard PCs and distributed to PC Gaming review sites, PC Gaming magazines and PC Game companies for testing/review purposes and the reception was extremely positive. Alongside with this the Gaming Review Sites and Magazines published their findings in their publications and the reception of the global public (through letters, blogs) has been extremely enthusiastic. The next step in the process is to bring the prototype to grocery place ( abideed launch is Q3 2015 and evaluate entry into new markets (mobile and High surgical operation Computing)See to a greater extentThe Story of an Hour Literary Analysis EssayMission StatementGreat Gaming Graphics mission statement is as follows The best Gaming set out in the world. Period The Product3G has developed graphic chips for the PC free rein market. The graphic chips (lower shutting model 3G100 and higher(prenominal)er end model 3G200) offer meatyly higher frame rates per second with the maximum feature set enabled (Anti-Aliasing at maximum) than the competition. The experience for the video plunk forr is that games can draw out with live like graphic experience on large resolution screens (including 4K screens) without any stutter of the motion (at least 60hz up to 4K resolution).Consumer Product ClassificationGaming Graphics Cards are shopping proceedss. Consumer usually spend 1-3 month researching the product they are aspecting at buying and replace their tease within 12-36 month, depend ing if they are loyal or casual gamers. Gamers usually have a graphic chip brand affiliation (either AMD or NVidia), but will lean to a nonher brand if the cognitive operation is at least 20% higher forthe corresponding scathe. Graphic Cards are usually ordered through online retail outlets like Amazon, Newegg and TigerDirect.Target MarketThe target market for the 3G products are computer gamers (Males in the age group 14-50 years old), PC/Notebook OEMs (HP, Dell, Lenovo, ASUS, MSI etc.) and Graphic Card Manufactures. The gaming market represents at least 100 Mio people globally, based on the best-selling computer games ever sold. The target audience for the product is split into three distinctive groupsThe Casual GamerThe term casual gamer is often apply for gamers who primarily play casual games, but can also refer to gamers who play less frequently than other gamers. Casual gamers may play games designed for ease of gameplay, or play more involved games in scant(p) session s, or at a slower pace than hardcore gamers. The types of game that casual gamers play vary, and they are less likely own a devote video game console. The casual gamer represents approx. 80% of the gaming market. The casual gamer will upgrade his gaming experience from build-in artistic creation (at time of purchase of the PC/Laptop), if the price is low enough to justify the upgrade. The price a casual gamer is willing to pay for a better gaming experience is up to $50.Mainstream GamerA mainstream gamer is a player with a wider range of interests than a casual gamer and is more likely to enthusiastically play different types of games, but without the amount of time spent and consciousness of competition of a hardcore gamer. The mainstream gamer enjoys games but may non finish every game they buy and doesnt have time for long MMO (Massive Multiplayer Online) quests. The mainstream gamer represents approx. 15% of the gaming market. The mainstream gamer will breakk out the best b ang for the buck regarding his/her gaming experience and is willing to spend up to $200 for a graphic card.Hardcore GamerA hardcore gamer is a player that spends the majority of his/her free time with gaming. The hardcore gamer is very private-enterprise(a), often owns the latest high-end technology (High-End PCs, Consoles, Multi-Monitor Setup, 7.1 lastSystem etc.), are very technology savvy and often seek out and participate in gaming communities. The hardcore gamer represents whole about 5% of the gaming market, but a large part of the earnings for the gaming hardware producers, because the margin of the high-end products are substantially higher than in the other categories. The hardcore gamer will seek out the best per numbering product, no matter what the price is. Some hardcore gamers install up to 4 graphic cards (with a total price of up to $ three hundred0 for the Graphic System alone) to have the best gaming experience possible (very high resolution across multiplex sc reens and all graphic options enabled for the best experience)Competitive Situation AnalysisAnalysis of Competition using Porters 5 Forces ModelCompetitive challengerThe discrete PC graphic card market generates approx. $6 billion revenue annually on a global scale. The two competitors in this market are AMD (Radeon) and Nvida (GEForce) with a roughly rival market share of about 20% each. Even though Intel is considered to be the market leader in PC graphics, they only have central processor embedded graphics with low performance/features and are periodly not considered a competitor. NVidia has recently released an upgraded product line (Mainstream to High-End), with performance increases of approx. 20% across the product line and military unit reduction of approx. 25% compared with the previous models. Pricing got slightly reduced within the classification of their products ($200 Mainstream, $300 Enthusiast, $600 High-End) to gain market share against its only competitor who h asnt upgraded its product line yet. Nvidia is still producing its upgraded product line in a 28nm process and is not going to 20/16nm before the end of 2016.3Gs current prototype is already produced in 20nm and is slated to be on 16nm at Q1/2016, which gives it an even greater greated competitive proceeds over Nvidia, considering that smaller structures allow substantially faster performance of graphic chips while at the same time reducing power requirements. AMDs current product line is still based on the three year old Graphics Core Next (GCN) design, which has been refined over the years but is clearly at its limit. Power consumption of AMD poweredgraphic cards is almost twice of Nvidias and more than 4 times of the 3G prototype.3G has a clear advantage against both competitors, considering that 3Gs high-end prototype is currently 220% faster than either competitor, with a power use advantage of at least 50% which results in not only a lower power bill for the end consumer of th e graphic card but as come up reduced address for cooling components. Additionally the low power requirements allow the use of smaller and cheaper power supplies, which is going to reduce the overall cost of a PC gaming machine even further. One large advantage of the reduced power requirements is that the graphics chip can be used in the upcoming STEAMOS machines (small form factor PC gaming machines, which resemble video game consoles) without sacrifice to performance.Threat from New EntrantsThere is a potential that ARM (with Mali) and Qualcomm (Adreno) redesign their current SoC (System on a Chip) products and license it to third parties to produce discreet graphic chips. Both companies offer their current products only in the mobile market (Phone/Tablets), which is high volume with a substantially lower margin per chip sold than the discreet PC graphic market. Alongside with this, both companies are in a very good position to drive power requirements even further down, consid ering their experience with the low power requirement of battery operated systems like phones and tablets. Threat from Buyers The interest two potential issues arise from an end customer perspective.1. Competitive products catch up or exceed with 3Gs product performance at the same price point, which will lower the appeal for end-consumers to use the 3G product. 2. A change in gaming habits to games that dont have the high graphic power requirements and therefor curbing demand for the overall discreet graphic chip market. Threat from Suppliers Considering the initial lower volume of the product for performance in a Semiconductor fab (TSMC, Samsung etc.) 3G powerfulness get bumped to a lower priority if larger customers of the Fab are asking for a larger part of the capacity, callable to higher demand. There is a limited amount of Fab Capacity available and it is not easy to move to another Fab (ramp-up time approx. 6 month). Therefor the contracts with the Semiconductor Fab hav e to be structured in a way to have a guaranteed amount of product delivered (with penalties associated if not fulfilled) accession a contractclause to allow ramp up of production by 10% on a monthly base.Once 3G is getting bigger, it might make sense to pursue a dual supplier scheme, with the advantage of not relying on a Single Fab to produce all graphic chips and the disadvantage alongside with this with not getting high enough volume discounts. Threat from Substitutes One potential issue arising in the future is that IGP (Integrated Graphic Processing) units that are part of a CPU (Intel, AMD and SoCs) are becoming powerful enough to play the most demanding games and therefor a dedicated Graphic Chip is not going to be required anymore. At this stage this is not a threat for the next 3 years (according to 5 year roadmaps of potential CPU/SoC providers), but could certainly change in the future. It takes 2-3 years to develop a competitive product and there is usually enough adv anced notice in the market that a new competitor is going to enter the specific segment.SWOT AnalysisIn this first paragraph, please introduce the SWOT analysis. For more information, see the recommended text. This section is laid out to summarize the analysis in a table, and is then followed by more detailed explanations of each item. Please see specific instructions in the four sections below the table. STRENGTHS *indicates core competency*Worldclass ASIC Engineering TeamExperience of the Executive Management TeamStrong with child(p) baseWEAKNESSESOnly two Graphic Card Manufacturers signed up to produce Graphic Cards based on 3G chips No PC OEM relationships formal yetNo reputation yetOPPORTUNITIESApproaching the mobile market (Phones/Tablets), with either licensing the technology to SoC companies Finance the game development efforts of Independent Game Companies to focal point their efforts specifically on the 3G product Develop out of the existing product a GPGPU, to be used in Supercomputers.THREATSCompetition (AMD and NVdia) piteous to new Fab technology faster than 3G, removing the advantage on the power front Competition launching new designs that are as efficient as 3Gs, but with the advantage of greater brand recognition Game Developers hitting a plateau with their new generation of games, that dont require anymore improvements on the graphics card frontStrengths3Gs first strength is having a world-class ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) engineering team. The members of the team have on average 15 years experience in the field of development of low power and high performance ASIC and some of the members of the 3ZG engineering team have been instrumental on developing in the one-time(prenominal) key products in the graphics card market. The second strength of 3G is the extensive experience of the executive management team. The CEO of 3G used to serve as the president of AMD (direct competitor) for over 10 years. The Sr. Vice Presiden t of engineering was the head of engineering at 3DFX in 2001 and after the learning of 3DFX by NVidia, he served as the head of engineering products until joining 3G. The Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing has over 20 years experience in building rapid growth sales and marketing teams in seven companies. The third strength/advantage 3G has is its strong capital base. 3G got over the past 2 years funding from venture capital in excess of $175 million and currently still has $100 million in the bank, which at current and planned spending levels should sustain the company for another 30 month.WeaknessesThe first weakness in 3Gs strategy is that 3G has only managed to sign-up two mid-tier Graphic Card Manufactures (EVGA and XFX). The Graphic Cards Manufactures use the reference boards 3G delivers and implement their own cooling solution plus additional tweaks to boost performance of the cards by 5%-10%. A large part of the Mainstream and Hardcore Gamers like to buy their g raphic cards from the top graphic card companies (ASUS, MSI, GigaByte), due to the custom designs and extend warranties. This might limit the initial availability of cards in the market until 3G can sign-up the top graphic card companies as well.The second weakness in the strategy is that 3G has not established any relationships with PC OEMs (Dell, HP, Lenovo etc.),which will limit the initial exposure of the product to the mainstream and hardcore gaming user. 3G will fall out pursuing 6 month after the launch of the product the PC OEMs, to start including the lower end 3G products in their offerings. The third weakness in the strategy is that 3G doesnt has the reputation of the two main competitors. AMD and NVidia have both been in the graphic card marketplace for almost 20 years and the end consumer knows what to expect from both companies. 3G is new to the game and will need to build this reputation over time to gain the confidence of the gamers.OpportunitiesAdditional opportun ities persist for 3G in some(prenominal) areas that can be explored once 3G had a successful launch of its core product and got additional funding for development. The first opportunity is in the mobile market (phone/tablets). 3G is actively looking into creating reference designs for the mobile market that satisfy the unique requirements present (very low power, with fast performance). The big advantage of the mobile market is that the volumes of the market are extremely high (total annual volume in excess of 1 billion units) and 3G would only need to license the product to SoC companies (e.g. Samsung, MediaTek, Apple, Allwinner) versus getting into production as well.The second opportunity for 3G is the GPGPU (General Purpose Graphic Processing Unit) market, to develop cards that will power Supercomputers. The current prototype is already ahead of the completions (NVidias Tesla and Intels XEON Phi) and this is a very high margin, but low volume market that will give 3G additional market recognition. The third opportunities for 3G is to finance the game development of up-and-coming independent game developers to specifically optimize the games for the 3G product line. AMD (with Mantle) and NVidia (with PhysX) have been quite successful with the strategy to boost the sales volume of their products.Threats3G wants to look at potential threats that can derail the strategy in the future and has identified the following three areas The first threat is that 3Gs competitors are moving faster to a new fab technology than currently presented in their roadmap, which would allow them to come closer to 3Gs low power requirements and allows them as well to boost the performance of their current generation of graphic chips without redesign.The second threat comes from 3Gs competitors launching radically new design concepts for their graphic cards, which are equal or better to 3Gs design. This would remove 3Gs current advantage entirely and 3G would potentially lose market share.The third threat not only for 3G but as well for 3Gs competitors comes from Gaming Developers hitting a plateau with their next generation of games, which wont require anymore additional performance from graphic chips. The graphic chip market is largely driven by game developers putting graphic features in place that require substantial upgrades to older gaming platforms. One example of developers driving the graphics chip market was the release of Crysis by Crytek in 2007, which was not playable (with all graphic options enabled) even on high-end hardware available at the time. It took almost four years to have powerful enough graphic chips to be able to play the game with all options enabled, which gave the gamer an almost super realistic view. Market Objectives (launch Q3 2015)During the next year, 3G seeks to achieve the following objective using their marketing mix, including product, price, place (distribution), and promotion strategies. fortunate launch of the 3G graph ic chip/card on a global scale.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Making it in America Essay

In the article Making it in America Adam Davidson takes time to interview different employees at Standard move Products to determine how it is treating them and how factories are changing in time. Adam is receiving a tour of the plant by manager Tony Scalzitti where he sees many factory workers in no-good lab coats, hair nets, and protective eyewear. This is where Adam first runs into Madelyn Parlier.Madelyn Parlier was a 22-year-old woman working in the assembly line at the factory. Her occupation was seemed to be an recreational job and didnt require much education or experience. It was all about quickness and effectiveness for Madelyn and that was something she was great at. Madelyn grew up in Greenville, SC and was go to high school and planning on freeing to college when she got pregnant her senior year. Because of this she couldnt go to college so like most people there she got a job working at the local Standard factory. Madelyns job was to run the laser-wielding machine. aAll she did was place the parts in the machine and press a add for them to be wielded and if correct a green light appears and she passes the part to the next line in process. With this being such an unskilled job there is unceasingly that chance of Madelyn being replaced by a robotic arm or machinery that can do this job for her and in turn create less wages for the keep company to pay for. Over the last 30 years employment of people in factories assimilate gone down 1/3 because of machinery and computers taking their places in line. They are more productive and less cost effective than a worker.Then Adam meets up with a new skilled employee Luke Hutchins who operates the machinery on the weekends. Lukes job is considered a skilled job because he had to attend 6 semesters of college to learn the computers language to be able to work the machinery. Luke operates a few machines at a time constantly checking the fuel injectors to make sure the machines are cutting the parts just perfect. His job is secure and cant be replaced by a computer for the time being.Adam tracks down the owners of Standard and finds out they are based out of Long Island City, Queens. There Adam discovers the fib of the company and how a man named Elias Fife a Jewish immigrant first set up the company. Through time other similar competitors had to sell or intimately and Standard stuck out through the times and had to sell its main building in NY to other locations to cut on costs. The company almost went bankrupt in the 1990s but managed to stay afloat and is now one of the biggest aftermarket manufacturing companies in the world.Adam sits in a meeting with two engineers from the company John Gasiewski and Marty Doelger. They where going over a new crankshaft sensor and figuring out if it would be a benefit for the company to start to produce them. They in turn give tongue to it was very cost effective to start to produce them because they werent as finely shaped as the fuel injec tors and could be produced at on of the inshore factories. Although this benefits the company it also takes jobs away from America and moves them offshore.Overall Adam discovered how much job opportunities in factories have been declining over the last couple of years. Whether it be to new machinery coming in to do someones job or bringing the work offshore so Americans dont have the opportunity to work. Something is going to have to change or at some point it will all be machinery running the factories.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Automobiles: Symbol of Status Essay

As I roamed around the campus and interviewed stack, asking questions with feign to automobiles, I realized that wad from UP Baguio perceive things unlikely and diversely. Of all the answers that I gathered from different sectors of UP Baguio, from the students, faculties and even staffs this statement was the most strucking for me. One of our sanitary janitors told me Alam mo, ang tao nahahati lang naman yan sa dalawa e. Yung mga taong meron at yung mga taong wala- yung mga taong whitethorn kotse at yung mga taong wala nito.At kung tatanungin mo ako kung importante ang pagkakaroon ng lugan (kotse), ang sagot ko ay oo, dahil kung may kotse ka ibig sabihin nun angat ka at nakalampas ka na sa pagiging mahirap. Overview Cars as positioning type before and now. From earliest times, state have felt a need to set themselves apart from others in the society in which they live. As Weber would put, it is status that sets as from others and thus it is d bingle evaluation of other peop le where we can find our place in the society.By this, often this competitive desire takes the shape of acquiring material items to hold still for ones uniqueness. These status symbols can come in many shapes and sizes. This paper primarily would talk about automobiles (particularly automobiles) as a mark of attri alonee and as a status symbol. Since cars have long been another common status symbol. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, the automobile has been one of the most powerful and pervasive status symbols (Brown, 1998). This paper aims to answer two things 1.)Can cars be considered as a status symbol in the UPB community? 2. ) How does one define and consort cars into ones status? Randomly, I interviewed different people in the academe it may be a student, teachers and staffs. I decided not to limit myself into just one sector of the university for this can result to hasty generalizations. I have interviewed them in a manner by which I can get their idea with re gard to their view of considering cars as status symbol and how it is reflective with their classes in the society.En masse the students, teachers and staffs of UPB community considered cars as a status symbol. Surprisingly, the general idea rotter cars as status symbol comes from varied point of views of all the individuals within the different academe of the UPB community. Generally, having an automobile is a symbol of ones supremacy in the UPB community. More definitively, it is a two way perception of owning a car. The intention of the consumer owning a car, to show a distinction and power, and the counteraction of the community twisting of one individual owning a car.During the interview, there are different views and perspectives with regard on the association of a car into his/ her status. Generally, the data I gathered boils come out into one answer. Their answer it plays on what car. In a nutshell the people Ive talked to considerer the model of the car in defining t heir status. One would say that e kung ang kotse ko e ung mga parang fx lang na mga taxi instead na iangat nya ako, pinapababa niya ang status ko. Through this statement instead of a car being a status symbol for those who have, it became a status symbol for the have-nots.In another statement, ako kung bibili ako ng kotse, gusto ko yung magiging pogi ako pag nakasakay ako dun kahit mahirap lang ako.. igagapang kong magkaroon ng magarang sasakyan. This assertion is a manifestation of spending of silver for and the acquiring of luxury goods and services to publicly display stinting power thus a conspicuous consumer for that matter. In todays car market, the options of status cars are seemingly endless. The choices are vast, going from a foreign sports car to an American SUV.The SUV has been described as the most ostentatious popular product of car culture (Morewood,2007). The size of the SUV alone makes it a very visible status symbol. Through this, there are many ways to associat e cars into ones status. It may depend on the car, its brand, performance and its seating capacity too. The lesser the passenger, the more classy your car is. With regard to class, according to the simple interviews it came out the even those people who perceived themselves as lower class find it needy to have a car, not because they want it for display but rather for its function for transport.As to the middle class, as we can see there are different tact on how they view a car, well-nigh want it for public display, some find it as something that accentuates their physical aspect or pampapogi. As put forward by Sernau (2011 103) citing Weber (n. d), we can speak of class when 1. ) a compute of people have in common a specific causal component of their life chances, insofar as, (2) this component is represented exclusively by economic interests in the possession of goods and opportunities for income and (3) is represented under the conditions of the commodity or labor markets.In conclusion, as seen in this simple study, there are many different ways on how a car can be presented by different people and this is not only through the economic aspect but also on the power play of the individuals of those who owns and at the same time the one who view it. Divisions based on these status may depend on his/ her opportunities and life chances and how it is depicted by the society. In this relation, using cars as something that marks distinction through its model, brand, effect on people, prestige etc can be reflective on how people will evaluate us in terms of set of ideals and values.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Behaviourist Theory for Atypical Behaviour

Behaviourist Theory (10 marks) First of all, behaviourists be psychologists that believe that behaviours are learnt preferably of them being natural. Behaviourist theory believes that mickle learn to be phobic rather than are born phobic. Reason being, many people link their attention of an object or situation to something bad they have experienced. For instance, if someone is scared of needles, it may have been because they had a bad experience with it as a child, indeed causing a phobia. This I known as classical conditioning learning by association learn to associate a certain solution with a certain foreplay.However, even behaviourists do take into account that some behaviour are not learnt, but are voluntary instead. This is called unconditioned response. This contains of instinctive responses such(prenominal) as sexual arousal and anxiety. Unconditioned responses are triggered by unconditioned stimulus. They can be objects or events that naturally cause the reaction su ch as stimulating genitals might cause arousal or a threat may cause us to be anxious. Yet, sometimes these responses elapse in the presence of a neutral stimulus. Neutral stimuli dont cause a reaction.However we assume it does when we experience something good or bad. For example if a person ate chips and got sick -vomited, they may assume chips cause a bad reaction every single time. This is known as classical conditioning. therefrom each of the neutral stimuli is then described as a conditioned stimulus because they trigger a learnt response. A reaction to a conditioned stimulus is called a conditioned response. Also operant conditioning is a term used by the behaviourist to describe learning by consequences. If the consequences of an action are worthwhile we learn to do them again.Yet if the consequences are not good, we are likely not to do it again. Atypical behaviours are learnt in the same manner as typical behaviours. Atypical behaviours are just more uncommon cases of cl assical conditioning. One of the criticisms of this theory is that it ignores the mind and the thinking behind it. For example if we two people got robbed at night, one is likely to think of it as one time incident and forget about it- rational. Whereas the other will think it will progress many times again irrational. Thus causes to develop a phobia of dark. Different people have different outlook to the event.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Mass Spectrometer

Research Task On Mass Spectrometer When was the first mass spectrometer made and by who? Find an example of a mass spectrogram for an element and explain how it is used to find the relative atomic mass of that element. A solid dish aerial of unknown mass ad known radius R is used as a pulley in a lab experiment, as shown. A small block of mass m is abandoned to a a lab experiment, as shown. A small block of mass m is attached to a string, the other end of which is attached to the pulley and wrapped around it several times. The block of mass m is released from rest and takes a time t to fall the distance D to the floor. econds before the plane is directly overhead? 14) Johnny Rockabilly has just finished recording his latest CD. The company can disclose the CD with no fixed cost and a variable cost of company can produce the CD with no fixed cost and a variable cost of $5 per CD. A) Find total revenue for sum of money equal to 10,000, 20,000, and so on. What is the marginal revenue for each 10,000 increase in the quantity sold? B) What quantity of CDs would maximize profit? What would the price be? What would the profit be? C) If you were Johnnys agent, what recording fee would you advise Johnny to want from the record company?Why? 15) A pop singer has a monopoly over a scarce if a nations real GDP increases from 100 jillion to 106 billion and its population jumps from 200 million to 212 million, its real GDP per its population jumps from 200 million to 212 million, its real GDP per capita will 2. What were the risks associated with outsourcing to Flextronics? Did Microsoft mitigate these risks? Do you speculate Microsoft would have Did Microsoft mitigate these risks? Do you think Microsoft would have been better off making the Xbox itself?

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Outcome Blank

Which song you would like today ? 2. Identify regulatory requirements what underpin a positive environment for children and young pot. In my reach we working with different activities such as We had two activities for mothers Samba and Yoga class every Wednesday besides Cryache services. The cryache works with the child in two session In the morning when the child arrive we do activities to be play and snack time, in the afternoon the child to learning Speech and Language assessment and bettering help, this activity we works with children +2 years old.Also we stratagem therapy, dance and movement therapy, chronological therapy, safe space to families when mothers receive information about abuse or domestic violence. These activities we use regulatory ECMA and EYES with the children, in the other hand, the safe space in my setting work with CAR-SACS regulatory. Outcome 2 Be able to animation a positive environment that meets the individual needs of children and young people. Ass essment Criteria 1 Meet and greet children and young people in a path that welcomes them onto the work setting.When the child arrive at centre one person open the door for him with your parent, then this person give welcome, ask open question, then when the parent living in the child, we star sing welcome song with the children where every child learning the names together. 2 Provide opportunities for children and young people to engage in activities of choice. In my setting we have AnD Space, when we offering therapeutic help for school children aged 4 to 13 years through, the use of art therapy and drama therapy. O Individual sessions Small group work 3 Provide activities and resources to meet the individual needs or children and young people.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Ethical Dilemma Essay

uncomplaining confidentiality has become an integral aspect of health care honest standards since the HIPPA law came into being. (Erikson 2005). According to the American Nurses friendship (ANA) statute of ethical motive the nurse has a job to maintain confidentiality of all unhurried information (Nursingworld, 2005). When a patients confidentiality is violated, his/ her wellbeing is negatively impacted. Patient confidentiality encompasses protecting any information the patient reveals to medical examination staff, and non divulging or sharing it to others. If trust is betrayed, the patient would be uncomfortable and reluctant to share their individual(a) and personal information. The nursing profession is built on trust and providing redeeming(prenominal) care, and there are limited reasons to expose a patients trust. A breach of confidentiality means disclosing a patients information to a third party without the patients consent or an order from royal court and this may be done by phone, verbally or electronically. If this type of disclosure of the patients information is shared to unauthorized persons, a breach of confidentiality results and this has honourable and legal implications.The law protects patients rightfulness to confidentiality and nurses have a moral duty to do the right thing for the patient. Understanding the ethical principles is very important because it provides the basis for nursing practice. According to the American Nurses Association, the ethical principles that underlie confidentiality are autonomy ( agreement to respect anothers right to self-determine a course of action support of independent decision making), beneficence ( compassion taking supportive action to help others desire to do good core principle of our patient advocacy) and nonmaleficence (avoidance of harm or hurt ).These principles ensure that nurses act in a way that benefits the patient, causing no harm, respecting the patients personal information and promoting patients right to self-governing. It must however be noted that there are many situations that can arise in which patient confidentiality becomes a dilemma for nurses. Dilemmas aroundconfidentiality arise when the principle of confidentiality is in possible conflict with other ethical principles such as avoiding harm to the patient or others.The scenario below underscores this point A day after he was admitted to the hospital, Fiifi was informed that he is HIV positive. The medical team advised him to contact his informal partner and inform her of his status. For the past 15 months, Fiifi has been in a human relationship with Derby and they are expecting a baby in 6 weeks time. Before this relationship Fiifi admits having a series of informal partners. 5 days later, it became clear that he has not told Derby of his HIV status. Being aware of the baby, soon to be born, the medical team tells Fiifi that steps should be taken to assess whether Derby is HIV positive and wh ether the baby is at risk or not so that undeniable treatment could be initiated. At this point, Fiifi was reluctant to tell Derby and even threatens to sue the hospital if she is told without his consent. What should the team do? This is a typical case of ethical dilemma should the team inform Derby or what? A critical analysis reveals that the principle of autonomy requires that personal information should not be unwrap without consent.However, in some cases the autonomy of another person may also be at play as it is in this case Derby, the previous sexual partners and the baby when born. Not disclosing information may limit their ability to make decisions regarding treatment and lifestyle and thereby violating the principle of non maleficence. Even though maintaining confidentiality is crucial, the consequences of disclosing or not disclosing are also important considerations. In this scenario for example, the consequences of non-disclosure can be identified as, the risk that De rby may be HIV positive and the effect of not providing information to enable her to be tested is that she is harmed by not knowing her HIV status and not receiving a course of treatment. If Derby is HIV positive and is not aware of the risk, the consequences are that she will not take steps to minimize the risk of infection to the baby For example, obtaining treatment during pregnancy or warning(a) treatment and knowing not to breastfeed.If Derby finds out later that there was a risk to her and that she was not informed, she may lose trust in the healthcare system. The scenario here presents a conflict in which the nurse is torn between an obligation to the patient and an obligation to the others (Derby, the baby to be born and the other sexual partners). Using the ANA code of ethics as aframe of reference, The Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements (ANA, 2001), emphasizes the responsibility of the nurse to promote the welfare, health and safety of the public.Furth er, the code states that the primary commitment of the nurse is to the patient. This is like a double-edged sword. It must however be noted that there is an exception to the principle of confidentiality, which justified on the basis that a breach of confidentiality would help prevent harm to an identifiable person, and this is buttressed by the ANAs provision that there are some exceptions to this duty such as a greater need to protect the patient and other parties (Nursingworld, 2012).ReferencesAmerican Nurses Association. (2005). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. Retrieved fromhttp// MainMenuCategories / EthicsStandards/ CodeofEthicsforNurses.asp American Nurses Association. (2012). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. Retrieved from http// MainMenuCategories/ EthicsStandards/ CodeofEthicsforNurses.asp Erickson, J., Millar, S. ( 2005). Caring for Patients While Respecting Their Privacy Renewing Our Commitme nt. OJIN The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Vol. 10 No. 2, Manuscript.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Work Makes Life Sweet by Bell Hooks

Work Makes Life Sweet by Bell Hooks is wizard of my favorite(a) essay on the book Presence of the others. The commitment and passion to work is best described in this essay. The right livelihood is not according to the bullion you earn out of work but on the enjoyment you get out of working. Most people today are after the compensation one can get from working. In this fast changing world, it is important to earn money through severely work. From the black community, Work makes life sweet for them. This is a viewpoint in life that motivates one to succeed.They took vainglory in a job well done. Rather than working just for money. Work should be a vocation where a persons true calling lies in. Many people are working to acquire money and buy necessities. This is the wrong notion about work. The right livelihood according to the author is the capacity of the individualistic to have determination and perseverance to work. We work to enjoy the skills and abilities bestowed to us. A n individuals duty is to make the most out of what talents is given to us. Every goal that a man wishes to endeavor comes at the right time and with prominent purpose.In my own case I do non academic activities rendering community service. By doing large-hearted acts, I can help other people and enjoy my talent as well. I apprise young kids to draw and plant trees. In this way my life is sweeter because I am working for a cause. It is important to have commitment, love and passion for work because a person in love is very sweet. Plan your work and work your plan. Goals are intended to be achieved through hard work. This makes life bare(a) special because you enjoy and earn at the same time. Work makes life sweet because it enhances our skills and make us earn for a living.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Military Accountability Essay

Purpose to provide a refresher on property accountability and an awareness of Army physical security. Agenda Government home Accountability Equipment Sensitive Items Weapons tangible Security Government Property OCIE Your personal equipment Unit/Section Equipment Tentage, Radios, Vehicles, Anything blue jet Vehicle BII Driver or TC responsible for Accountability Clothing Record (DA 3845 and Electronic) Used for OCIE tidy sum Receipt (DA 2062) Used for equipment Sensitive Items Cannot be lost Report immediately to the chain of command if missing Comsec equipment Weapons Certain Technology SINCGARS NBC Alarms, NVGs Weapons Individuals issued arms are responsible for their security at on the whole times. separately issued weapon will be carried on the person at all times.Weapons will not be entrusted to the custody of another person. Pistols will be secured with a lanyard. AR 190-11 Responsibility You are responsible for all US Army equipment you sign for. You can be charged for missing or damaged equipment. If you unload it, report it A field loss can be investigated if reported immediately. You buy it on the showdown. Physical Security (Defined) That part of security concerned with physical measures designed to safeguard personnel, to prevent unauthorized introduction to equipment, installations, material and documents, and to safeguard them against espionage, sabotage, damage, and theft.AR 190-16 What Does That Mean? Physical security is meant to counter the threat during peace and war. panic can range from enemy forces to terrorists to civilian criminals or saboteurs. How to Practice Physical Security Limit recover Secure Equipment Guards Locks Physical Barriers Fences Buildings Access Military Installations (Armories) will have access control. Installation Specific Varies found on Threat. Conclusion Secure equipment Remember You signed for it, you own it.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

The Ripple Effect of Smoking

The roll Effect of Smoking It has become common intimacy that consume is bad for good deals health, nevertheless people continue to git. To be honest, that is fine. If people want to endanger themselves by smoking then I wish them a swift and peaceful end (though most mucklers die a slow and hurt death). What is not acceptable is the effect that heap has on non-smokers who have just about no way of acquire away from smoke unless they want to stay in their house.Smokers affect anyone around them for the worse. Smoking should be dependent or banned from all public places be crap the health of non-smokers should not be jeopardized by victimized smoke. As stated before, almost bothone knows and accepts the fact that smoking is unhealthy. For those who dont know, Phillip Morris, one of the leading tobacco manufacturers, mustiness tell them that very fact.As part of a settlement agreement with the g overnment, Philip Morris must publish that they agrees with the overwhelmi ng medical and scientific consensus that cigarette smoking causes lung canistercer, heart disease, emphysema (where the lungs basically break down), and other secure diseases inn smokers (Philip Morris U. S. A. 1). Yet some dont know how bad smoking actually is for people, some(prenominal) for the smokers and non-smokers alike. harmonise to Michele Late, author for The Nations Health, published by the American Public Health Association, A new report by the U. S. urgeon general found that smoking causes disease in almost every organ of the human body. So aside from common knowledge that smoking causes lung cancer as substantially as other respiratory problems and diseases, people need to know that it too causes cancer in almost every other part of the body. Among those diseases are, leukemia, cataracts, and pneumonia as well as cancers of the pancreas, cervix, and kidneys (Late). According to the surgeon generals report, Other complications linked to smoking included diabetes complications, hip fractures and reproductive complications (Late).Why anyone would want to smoke with the knowledge that smoking causes these problems is beyond reason. Ultimately though, it is a persons extract as to whether they want to cause harm to themselves by smoking or not. Although people may choose to smoke, it is unfair of them to inflict the consequences of their choice upon others. The smoke that smokers put out into the air is nearly as baneful as what they take in to their own systems. When non- smokers happen to be in the vicinity of a smoker they inhale what the smoker puts out. This is called secondhand smoke. A definition from Philip Morris U.S. A. s website states that, Secondhand smoke, also known as environmental tobacco smoke or ETS, is a combination of the smoke coming from the lit end of a cigarette plus the smoke exhaled by a person smoking (Philip Morris U. S. A2). Secondhand smoke is almost as harmful to the non-smoker as the firsthand smoke is to the smoker. According to William V. Corr, the executive director of Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, Secondhand smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals and 69 known carcinogens, including formaldehyde, cyanide, arsenic, carbon monoxide, methane, benzene, and radioactive polonium 210. With all these known cancer causing products in secondhand smoke, it is not surprising that, secondhand smoke is proven to cause lung cancer and serious respiratory illnesses (Corr). Secondhand smoke also causes, asthma, respiratory infections, cough, wheeze, otitis media (middle ear infection) and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, (Philip Morris U. S. A. 2) in children. According to Donna Halvorsen, writer for the Star Tribune in Minneapolis, The CDC (The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention) estimates that 3,000 nonsmokers die of lung cancer ca utilize by secondhand smoke each year.An additional 35,000 die of heart disease also from secondhand smoke It is unfair to dissemble those who choose not to smoke be damaged by the secondhand smoke of a smoker. What is the resolving to this problem? The most effective solution is to ban smoking in all public places. If people who want to smoke then they can do so in the privacy of their own homes, where they can only hurt themselves and their loved ones. California has taken the first step by banning smoking in most indoor establishments. Yet more has to be done. It needs to be banned outdoors in public as well.Though the theory that outdoors smoke dissipates has some validity, if you are inside 20 feet of a smoker, you are still touched. Other atmospheric conditions can cause you to be affected from farther away. There will be arguments against this solution, the main one being personal unbosomdom. Opponents will joint that their personal freedom to smoke is being violated. Though right now, smokers are violating millions of peoples rights. A non-smokers right to live in an uncontaminated and healthy environment is being violated by the sm oker who chooses to engage in this repulsive habit.A non-smokers right to a longer, pain free life is being taken away by the diseases they get from inhaling secondhand smoke. This solution, though the most effective, is also the most extreme. Until we reach an ideal society where smoking is nonexistent, there are ways to help quiet the problems posed by secondhand smoke. One is to have separate rooms in public places with high quality air filters. They have started doing this in airports. A new renovation is smokeless cigarettes. A U. S. play along that makes this product is Longherb Health Products, Inc.According to them, This smokeless product, which consists of a menthol or cinnamon-flavored filter material like that used in a cigarette filter looks and feels like a cigarette, but contains no tobacco or nicotine, and does not burn. The smokers simply draw or inhale on Smokers Option Cigarettes whenever they have the desire to smoke cigarettes. Unfortunately there is the pr oblem that cigarettes are addictive. Some who are addicted to cigarettes need one every hour. An addiction causes physical pain when you dont have your addictive substance.To help people depart there are many different solutions. They range from patches, to gum, to medication. Philip Morris U. S. A. has links on their website that can help you finish smoking, one being QuitAssist. The information for quit assist was written by and is maintained by Cheryl K. Olson, Sc. D. of Harvard medical checkup School, as well as a review board. Secondhand smoke is a problem that must be dealt with. There are alternatives to smoking and ways to deal with secondhand smoke. Smoking must be banned or severely restricted in public for the well being of the multitudes of innocent non-smokers.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Analysis of “On Being a Cripple” by Nancy Mairs

The descriptive essay, On be A Cripple, by Nancy Mairs demonstrates a purpose to postulate the way social club has brainwashed people to gauge others incorrectly in order to expose the true thoughts of a person living beneath the glamorized world. Mairs powerfully feels that she has non lost anything in the course of this calamitous unsoundness (37), known as Multiple Sclerosis, a disease that deteriorates the nerves and interferes with brain and body communication because the immune system has eaten away the protective covering on the nerve cells.To assert her confidence, Mairs initiates her essay with a strong, simple term to define herself a cripple (37). She wants society to wince (37) in order to portray that candy coated euphemisms have made society weak. Mairs does not want her readers to feel sympathy, but to see the perspective of a person with the disease. Towards the end of the essay, Mairs is reflects back on societys ways by comparing herself to other women who have the same disease and by declating she is not a disease (43) magnifies what this restrict is to her on a more personal level.This disease is not just a besetment, it is a part of her life. Mairs exemplifies her suggested use of cripple by alluding to the Lindsfarne Gospel (37), which contains the first use of the word cripple. Mairs uses this to allot the audience to view the world in a more formal way. Therefore, a gospel force put on a different view of cripple kind of than an impolite slang term.Her address is to create an acceptance and understanding of the word and her condition to the society and the people who are living with the condition as well. Mairs points out numerous times that she has as learned to live through her disease in which she compares herself to many others who have MS yet gave up on trying to live their life Mairs sees herself alike(p) fat people, who are expected to be jolly, (41) but states cripples must bear their lot meekly and cheerfully, (41) c reating a comparison for herself.Subsequently, Mairs has added on more pressure for herself. Although she claims that she is against societys ways, she cares about the expectations they give her, later adding this is a class telephone number (41). Trying to please society and herself at the same time is difficult for Mairs as she winds up vox populi like Tiny Tim, peering over the edge of the tablewaving her crutch (41), but prefers to be a Caliban, a most scurvy monster (42).When she feels like Tiny Tim (41), she is viewing herself how the world views her, a person who is disabled. Mairs would rather classify herself as a Caliban (42) or a cripple to evoke society to wince (37) at her and see her as the strong woman that she truly is. Nancy Mairs purpose is to leave an effect on her readers to serving them understand her feelings about the pressure society has established and how it has changed her and the rest of humanity in order to dig up them wrong.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Gran Torino monologue on Ashley Kowalski Essay

Hello and welcome to this workshop on authorship a monologue on the film, Gran Torino, from 2009, with Clint Eastwood who stars and directed in the film. This workshop will show what techniques are used in writing a monologue. This monologue will be written from Ashleys point of view. As well as showing what the character, Ashley Kowalski is feeling at the time when her and her family are at the funeral of her grandad, Walt Kowalski, also the part after the eucharist when there is the reading of the will, and who foils to keep Walts car, the Gran Torino. Ashley of course wants the Gran Torino, al ace does not destroy up getting it, and instead Thao, Walts neighbour, gets the car. I cant suppose this. Why didnt I get the car, I mean it pretty much belongs to me because I am the eldest step up of my brothers and I so Im pretty much the rightful owner.Instead, that kid who was my grandfathers neighbour got the car, which is completely unfair. I dont sluice know him, and I dont understand why my grandfather would become friends with him, and how, I mean he was a grumpy anile man, he was rude and didnt care about any one so it didnt gull any sense. How could he end up with his car? My car, it should belong to me, I am the one who wanted the car. I even asked my grandfather if I could have his car when he died, mainly because I take a car so I wouldnt have to waste money buying my own, but also because its an awesome looking car.I wish that I had been able to persuade him originally he died into giving me his car. By the way the car had looked, I think that my grandfather didnt even drive in the car, because it was in really good condition. My mother and I had already talked about the car, she state that I would be the one to get the car. I had already told her that I asked grandfather about the car, and what he wanted to do with it after he died. I had asked him about the car at my grandmothers funeral, thats when I found out that he had the car. I tri ed to be nice when I asked for the car because I really wanted it. I am quite popular at discipline and having a car similar this would be great for my image. Girls like me at school and in township have cars or are about to get them so I should be getting one, it all makes sense.I was disappointed that my grandfather was dead. I can tell that my dad and my grandfather werent close, they barely saw each other. I wish that they had been closer, so and then grandfather would have definitely addicted me the GranTorino. We were at the church for a long, long time, just talking about my grandfather, it was very uninteresting. closely the time when the priest came out I was already getting annoyed he was saying things like how my grandfather knew a lot about life and death, what does that even mean? I dont know, and frankly I dont care. I just wanted to hear the reading of the will, it was cleanup position me that I had to wait for so long to hear it.When the ceremony was finishe d I was the world-class one up and out, finally its over. After the ceremony my family and I went to the place where they were going to read the will, this is what I had been waiting for, I was thrilled. When we got to the will reading place I just couldnt wait until I got my hands on the keys to my future car, I started to skip into the office but then my mother halt me and said that I shouldnt because I should be in grief, but how can I be depressed when I am about to get my own car. I acted so it looked like I was sad on the inside, but truthfully I was overjoyed.I had to sit through the whole whole will reading to get to the part about the Gran Torino. I noticed that over my articulatio humeri in the corner was standing that weird Asian kid who lives next door to my grandfathers house, I was puzzled as to why he was in the room but I thought process that he must be there only to be jealous when I was going to get my car. I thought to myself, maybe the reason that my grandfat her died was because of him, maybe he had something to do with his death, and if this is true then why is he here? He shouldnt even be in the same building. I wasnt listening to the man telling us my grandfathers final wishes, I hear him saying something about his house and charity or something, but I didnt really care. past the man started talking about the Gran Torino, I was so anxious about it, but I dont know why because I knew that it was going to be mine. The man said that my grandfather was giving it to his friend I wouldnt have referred to myself as my friend, but I dissemble that I will accept that for the car.When the man said that the car was being given to Thao, at first I thought it was a mistake but then the man went on about how Thao couldnt do anything to it. I was so shocked I thought that it was completely unfair. I mean I have known my grandfather since I was born, well Ive been alive when hehas, and Im even related to him and the boy only knew him for a week or something. I couldnt believe that I didnt get the car I told my grandfather that I wanted it. I confide that the kid does something to it so it becomes mine.

Electrical circuits Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

galvanic travels - Lab Report ExampleThe report looks deeper into the literary productions re stare of electrical circuits and electronic components. The focus shifts to the analysis of electrical component analysis of their behavior and responses. electronic components in electrical circuits include semiconductor devices diode, op amp and transistors. The electronic component features are explained in demonstrable electrical networks. Performing signal processing in the semiconductor devices is meant to get information about introduce signal like RMS, peak value, the relative phase and the amplitude envelope. Nonlinear components are used in the feedback loop in examining the performance of diodes and op amp devices. Transistors have the capabilities of working with small-signal and large-signal characteristics exhibited by the bipolar junction transistor. Electrical circuit resonance behavior is imperative. The design research focuses on factors leading to vibration and resona nt circuit components. Analysis of both parallel and series circuit have been reported vividly. Their performance in terms of the quality factor, bandwidth and power, are important factors determined. The transistors are used because they boost current components of the circuit. Black box is examined for assorted components to determine their values and responses to varying inputs of current and voltages. The report outline drifts into determining the values by elaborating on the procedures followed in the methodology. Results of the values of component rating have been documented and analyzed. The discussion and analysis section gives view about the results. RLC response characteristics in different connection conditions have been put out expounding on the effects of loading and use of active and passive devices in electrical circuits. They achieve application in designing of filters and communication equipment.Signal systems make use of electronic

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Coursework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Coursework - Essay ExampleWith the introduction of retiring age, employers are now refrained from discriminating on the grounds of age, even at the time of recruitment, training, redundancy and other policies that deals with the employer and the employees relationship (Harris, et al 56). Harassment There is no specific constabulary, which deals with the issue of harassment at workplace. However, an bear upon person can knock at the door of competent court of law to get his or her grievances redressed under the criminal law known as Protection from Harassment Act. In peachy term, harassment in the workplace can be described as any unwanted attending that causes offence, embarrassment, humiliation, upset. However, if it is based on sex, race or disability, the concerned discriminatory law can be invoked to get protection. Further, in serious cases, some compensation can be had inclusive of damages to hurt someones feelings. Offensive remarks, personal comments, jokes based on raci sm and sex, touching, vulgar displays, abusive expression come under the purview of harassment (Harris, et al 59). In order to make his case soused against discriminatory attitude by the employer and the harassment at work premise, William may adopt the following turn tail a) keep a diary of the incidents that took place b) witnesses of co workers c) confront harassment d) bring forth a name with HR and e) discuss the matter with Union Representative (Harris, et al 61). It is the responsibility of the employer to protect his workers from harassment no matter of their backgrounds. William has the option to claim compensation by registering his complain with the employment tribunal on the specified course of instruction ETI since it is a mandatory requirement. Mentioned form contains a lot of information e.g. name of the complainant, postal address, reasons for complaint, whether the complainant would handle to re-instate or to lodge claim for compensation. William has the opt ion to invoke the jurisdiction of competent Tribunal without bothering grievance procedure. By passing the grievance, procedure may lead to reduction up to 25% in any demo granted by the Tribunal (Harris, et al 63). At this point of time, the said victim will station a copy of ETI form to be opposeed on form ET3 within 28 days. If he fails to respond within the specified period of time, there is apprehension that the Tribunal may issue impugn perceptiveness in favour of the complainant. Before filing the complaint with the Tribunal, employee may exercise his or her option of atonement. If conciliation fails to materialize, the compelling option for remedy is Tribunal (Harris, et al 63-64). The legal process is cumbersome with reference to life history witnesses, cross examine the witnesses by other side, engage a lawyer and to bear legal expenses. belongings in mind the time consuming legal process, we advise William to confine himself to the process of conciliation. Q. 2. Wh ere should William go to turn back action on his personal trauma claim? From whom should he seek advice and what formal and informal mechanisms tycoon he use to resolve the dispute? To analyse the claim of William with regard to personal injury, we have to have a look on the law of tort and its provisions, which provide relief to the victim of personal injury besides emotional injury. In accordance with English law,tort falls under the common law

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Community and Problem-Solving Policing Research Paper

Community and Problem-Solving Policing - look for Paper Exampleon the way that communities and institutional arrangements themselves can replicate crime honoring traditions of union policing and deputies and partnerships with existing agencies rather than replacement of them.Community-oriented policing might seem to be a new approach, but it is in fact an incredibly old form. The history of modern law enforcement began 166 years ago with the formation of the capital of the United Kingdom Metropolitan Police District in 1829. By creating a new police force, the British parliament hoped to address the soaring crime rate in and around the nations capital...To implement fully the beat concept, cutis instituted his second most enduring innovation The paramilitary command structure. While Peel believed ov periodll civilian control to be essential, he also believed that only military discipline would ensure that constables actually walked their shell and enforced the law on Londons mea n streets, something their nonmilitary predecessors, the watchmen, had failed to do (Patterson). Ironically, elements that community-policing advocates nowadays think are debate to community policing actually were part and parcel of it A regular beat, centralized authority established in the community, etc. The regular beat of his bobbies let people become familiar with established authorities and let the officers become intimately familiar with the community, being able to identify hot spots.Community-oriented policing in the modern era is defined as follows Community Policing is a collaborative effort between a police division and community that identifies problems of crime and disorder and involves all elements of the community in the search for solutions to these problems. It is founded on close, mutually honest ties between police and community members. At the center of community policing are three essential and complemental core components Partnerships between the police a nd the community. Problem Solving as a method to identify and

Monday, May 13, 2019

Pick an international event (from any time period) and apply either Research Paper

Pick an supratheme event (from any time period) and apply either the systemic or domestic level of synopsis to that event. In - Research Paper ExampleThe paper aims at providing an intensive review of the historical daring and impacts of the WWI on United States history. Discussion The First World War occurred between 1914 and 1919 and was an intensively bloody state of contend with massive life losses and minimal ground lost. Mainly fighters in trenches fought the war, and it led to approximated ten one thousand thousand or more militants dead and approximately 21 million more wounded. While various nations hoped that the war would be crucial to put a stop to all other wars, in the real sense, the culminating public securityableness agreement set the pace for the Second World War (Dutton 98). The First World War sunk various empires and weakened others. For instance, the Russian Revolution of 1917 following the regime of Czarist collapse, which ended in the exaltation of th e authority by Bolsheviks. With the overthrow of the military group in 1918, the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman kingdoms declined, whereas Germany substituted the administration of Kaiser with the nation of Weimar. sore nation states including Poland, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia emerged from formers empires (Protess, Callaway and Vernon 234). Consequently, victory for the allies of the Europe nations came at an increased price. They owed more than $12 billion to the U.S, which was endorsed from a former net defaulter to a higher status (net creditor). In addition, New York City substituted capital of the United Kingdom as the international economic headquarter. Additionally, the European allies experienced high demands for self-rule mainly from their colonies. Similarly, European allies lost control over sufficient economic and military resources to shape global personal matters as before. Near the culmination of the WW1, Japan and USA joined the leading nations at the 1919 Unity charter, in Paris, together with other nations such as France, UK and Italy, with the president of the USA, Woodrow Wilson taking a central role. The president form the League of Nations a fundamental part of the Versailles Treaty with Germany (Gracia 104). The U.S and the allies, failed to acknowledge the government of Bolsheviks in Russia, and consequently, exempted the Soviet wedlock from Paris. In addition, Wilson strived for maintenance of unity and cooperation that would preserve industrialist and democratic countries. Reinforcing the principle of self-determination at national level, Wilson summoned the aim war (aftermath) league of nations to offer a collective security to all its members. Further, he expected the national league, under the leadership of Americans, to protect the political independence and territorial integrity of its members, against external hostility, and, therefore, preserve the peace (Keene 248). Americans reacted against Woodrow Wilsons firm wartime leadership, for instance, the elections in 1918 reduced Democrats to the inferior (minority) in congress. Moreover, after the crisis, with the removal of policies and rules by wartime organizations, the U.S suffered intensive economic upturn, inflation, and labor go-slows. The Expeditionary Forces of America returned from France and rapidly demoralized. In addition, the Congress, with the 1920 National Defense Act, reduced the American army to almost its pre-war level. Rapid disbursement and restructuring led to social strife in the U.S in early on 1918 and 1921. Irrespective of the wartime loyalty, numerous Americans such as black American were mainly the critical victims of

Sunday, May 12, 2019

HRM Innovation and Change Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

HRM Innovation and Change - Lab shroud Examplesome employees of the existence of HRM policies and initiatives and the link up positive(p) impact on employee keeping and overall HRM practices at these News Corporation media companies, the general agreement is that key performance indicators on the relative success of HRM initiatives hold back been gathering positive momentums at these media giants. Thus this paper has successfully established a set of positive correlations between a number of HRM related key performance indicators and the organizational outcomes especially concerning employee retention strategies at News Corporation. Particularly the environment and employee welfare related policies have shown a progressive improvement. Further employee retention strategies at News Corporation and labor turnover figures are interconnected in much(prenominal) a way that staff members have particularly been affected by a lack of concern for their ostracise experiences while deali ng with customers. Finally this study has clearly identified a positive set of outcomes related to HRM practices and motivation thus News Corporation has acquired a greater dimension of integrity at the inner-house useable level on par with CSR initiatives.News Corporation is a global media company founded by Rupert Murdoch and is the earths largest publisher of English language newspapers. Its operations span across a number of countries such as Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom and so on. News Corporation has been faced with stiffer competition in both digital and conventional publishing and therefore it ought to design and implement some far superscript and innovative HRM policies and initiatives. News Corporation has initiated a number of changes in the workforce management and HRM practices. Work ethical motive is differentially applied to generate enthusiasm among employees. Workers at News Corporation are motivated through a good mixture of both financial a nd non-financial benefits. Performance-related pay might encourage employees to

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Nation States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nation States - test Exampleprocessing immediate and untrammeled power over a contiguous territory occupied, in theory, by a population homogenous in speech, culture, and ethnicity. (p. 2) Simply put, capitalism relies on nation-states to maintain topical anaesthetic conditions favourable to a culture of capitalist accumulation as well as to help it navigate the economy. The nation state holds the power which assures the creation and reproduction of the capitalist mode of production through a combination of procedures and processes. Hence, the festering of capitalism is largely dependent on the progress of the nation-state and the attempts within.Depending on ones standpoint, the role of nation-state in capitalism is either viewed positively or negatively. For instance, Marxist adherents argue that capitalism was an solution of the English feudalism and that its evolution resulted to a social malady where the sector responsible for the production of goods is defend by the stat e, to the disadvantage of the labor and the populace in general.There are varying factors in the development of nation-states. Experiences vary from one country to another. For some, nationhood is achieved due to inner(a) developments while for some it was realized as a result of some crisis which could be external in nature. In the case of the former, it is attained when a movement has succeeded in mobilizing the masses around one common conception of nationhood while for the latter, political sovereignty is achieved to a lower place extraordinary and short-lived circumstances arising from a regional or global crisis rather than strictly internal developments. (Roshwald p. 2)The existence of nation-states has noble objectives. This is what appeals to people within its territory. Constitutions of countries cite these lofty ideals and while there might be some variations, they all bespeak of one important concept and that is identity. According to Martha Cotham et al., the concept of nationalism is mistakable to that of social

Friday, May 10, 2019

Vanity Fair Corporation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Vanity Fair partnership - explore Paper ExampleIt is headquartered in Greensboro, North Carolina. It has other headquarters in Europe, Asia and Latin America. VF Corporation is the interior(a) of many brands such as Jeanswear, Vanity Fair image, outdoor(a) and Action, sportswear, contemporary. Vanity Fair corporation stores enkindle be found in various countries crossways the world.This is the approximately popular brand with the customers at VF Corporation. The confederation manufactures Jeanswear that is comfortable and long lasting such as Lee Jeans which dates back to 1889. Moreover, the company enjoys a heritage of quality clothes that argon classic and comfortable. As such, Lee is among the most popular casual brands across the world. Other types of Jeanswear produced by the company include Wrangler, Wrangler Premium, and Riders, 20x among others that are designed for men, Women and Kids VF Corporation 1.This is the second most popular brand by the company. It comprise s of three main brands that are, Image wear, Active wear and Majestic. However, there are other brands such as Bulwark, Chef Designs among others that range from uniforms, protective gear to privately owned and public agencies who ordinance their products directly from the company. The brands popularity stems from its production of superior quality products that are safe to wear and constant (VF Corporation 2).This brand consists of technically advanced, innovative gear and footwear that continue to inspire athletes to continue exploring. The outdoor and action segment also has a variety of trendy bags that vary from convenient shoulder bags, happy luggage and travel accessories that contain the Eastpak and Kipling labels among others. This brand is popular for maintaining trends and inspiring athletes through its technically advanced products (VF Corporation 3).This brand contains leading global lifestyle varieties for all. There are protective gear for men, women as well as ch ildren including a home collection. The

Thursday, May 9, 2019

The marketing of foods and non-alcoholic beverages to children Essay

The food marketing of foods and non-alcoholic crapulences to children. Setting the research agenda - leaven Example182-84). In that context, four issues in marketing that need more research to help right where the problem is and save the children from childhood conditions arise, which includeThis paper analyses the article on the basis of the four issues, which includes back up the available evidences. According to Hastings (2003), in the UK, children be unresolved to widespread advertising, and the advertised diet does not meet health standards recommended by healthcare experts (p. 5). In the same perspective, a study by Kelly, Baur, Bauman, King, Chapman, and metalworker (2011) noted that sport sponsorship by food firms is extensive and investment of the industry in this marketing is enhanced. Companies in this group include KFC, and McDonalds amongst others. According to Hastings, McDermott, Angus, Stead and Thomas (2006), corporate sponsorship of organizations and events r epresents a kind of food and beverage where children are highly exposed. According to IEG sponsorship report (2010), sponsorship represents the fastest expanding kinds of marketing with industry outlay on the blameless sponsorship promotions augmenting by 22% from 2007 to a worldwide value of US$46.3 billion. It further indicates that this growth in spending on sponsorship surpasses that of other sales and advertising promotions.Kelly and colleagues (2006) sought to explain why children are very exposed and found in the study by account statement and French (2004) that children are Key stakeholders in their parents choices. Story and French (2004) found that children are seen by the food industry as a pivotal market sector, as they influence their own purchases and their parents. According to them, developing brand loyalty at that young point in time of life also looks for guaranteeing lifelong product purchases. Therefore, it is necessary for the food and beverage companies to advertise to children as they are Key stakeholders.However,

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Business Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business - Research Paper representativeExxon which is now comes under the brand name of Exxon Mobil was once the worlds largest oil follow. It captured 50 percent of the market apportion and was considered as the largest growing oil order in the world. This was until the debacle struck and the companys crisis management came under entire criticism and disparagement. In 1989, while the Exxon Valdez oil tanker was on its way to California, the ship ran aground on the Prince William Sound and began sheding oil in large quantities. This was a catastrophic up to nowt and could only be workn better care of provided proceeding was taken immediately. This was a large crisis for the company and needed instantaneous action and management in order to view as, if not cease, the damage that was occurring with the passage of time. It is said that the accident occurred due to the o.d. of alcohol consumed by the captain of the ship and other crew members who were responsible for the dock ing the ship and avoiding it to hunt down aground. The event that occurred could be taken care of if in that location was some instant action implemented to control the leakage and avoid the environmental damage. However, the major factor that aggravated the media and the general public was the way the company handled the situation. (The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill) The efforts that Exxon took to control the damage were slow, just the reactions and dealings that they had in response to the damage they cause were even slower. There were a number of factors that caused Exxon to create a negative impact over the community and collide with their public relations so greatly that it would permanently dent their standing and status among the general public. meter is of the essence in cases of crisis and that is what is considered as the fired error that the company made. It is argued that if the company had taken quick steps, it could hold back made better attempts at resolving the loss w hilst the weather was under control as aft(prenominal) days of the oil spill the weather worsened resulting in damage that was almost doubled. Moreover, the chairman of the company made no attempts in visiting the site of accident and taking control which caused uproar in the public blaming the company for being laid back and careless over the incident and showed that the company did not consider the issue important enough to involve the high level management. it was although, claimed by the chairman that there was nothing he could do personally by going there and it would just waste time. This was iodine of the major reasons that caused a negative public image as in events of crisis it is important for the company to take initiative and show that they are concerned, alarmed and worried about the damage caused. Throughout the event, Exxon kept international from the media and the press. This was another cause for the bad public relations that it created. The company did not disse minate any reading to the public initially except for in a remote town of Valdez and when it did it was criticized for being contradictory, underestimated and often spurious information. Moreover, Exxon ignored taking the responsibility of the action and damage caused. It held the federal officials responsible for the hindrance in containing the spill while after 10 days of the incident the company ran an advertisement in the newspapers apologizing for the loss but still not taking any responsibility for it. This

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

High Dropout Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

High Drop stunned - Essay ExampleP bents are finding themselves helpless as they are not able to do anything ab protrude it. However, move tabu of school is not a random phenomenon. Every action has a intellect behind it. The reason can be psychological, social or personal. To prevent students from leaving their education incomplete, it is a responsibility of the union and the educational institutes to find out the reason behind students dropping out of the school and work out an effective and permanent solution for it. If not taken care of on time, this problem can extend a major obstacle in the progress of the country. This research is an attempt undertaken to understand the reason for the students dropping out of the school. Give balanceThe data shows that the proportion of undergraduates in the UK who failed to complete their first year at university increased by 0.3 per cent to 7.4 per cent in 2006-07, the year the government raised top-up fees to 3,000. (http//www.student In England, 7.1 per cent failed to complete their first year, compared with 6.7 per cent prior to the student fees increase.(ibid)In contrast, between 15 per cent and 19 per cent of students at the universities of Greenwich, Sunderland, Bolton and London Metropolitan failed to complete their first year, while one in five studying at the University of Ulster dropped out (ibid).I have a personal experience of this problem. I have two brothers who left university and caused great pain for my parents, but when they grew up they realized that the university was the most big thing in their life. Even though we know that university is the best thing, why we drop out of college? That fact is that, we drop out from the University or college for many reasons.A

Monday, May 6, 2019

Introduction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Introduction - Essay ExampleThis explore is an effort to see how Primark has been able to apply its HR policies towards satisfying its customers and motivating the workforce.The main intention of the necessitate is to develop an understanding of the concepts of Human Resources Management in general and how the established theories and principles are applied to a especial(a) organization. During the study an effort will be made to observe the general working at Primark store in Manchester to seek answers to the following key objectives.Prerequisite to a decent work subtlety is about respecting individuals and treating everyone, customers and colleagues, with dignity. How Primark has been able to adopt a balancing approach towards motivating the workforce.Undertaking a investigate implies that one must be aware about the subject, and able to apply the knowledge gained in serviceable working environment. This research is also being undertaken with the vision that it helps in carvi ng out an effective and cost-efficient HR professional having thorough understanding of the ways employees can be motivated to give optimal performances.To come out with a quality research on the subject and get a tang of the competitive environment in retail industry, get to know about the HR policies of Primark in particular and how its employees feel a

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Law victims and criminal justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Law dupes and sad justice - Essay ExampleAlthough the courts serve as decentralised, semi-autonomous groupings of legal professionals, and that does non mean that victim support groups give up in confronting difficulties in predicting how they will follow a new police force (Candace, 1993, p. 2). Victim support is criticised for it wishes to monopolise its services provided to the nation. It is also said that this department is unable to tackle the problems of exclusively of its victims (Duckett, 2003, p. 248).No doubt victims expectations from the support departments and trial proceedings is to acquire justice while prosecuting and punishing offenders, but that does non mean that victims sufferings should not be analysed in material form. Victims support organisations (VSO), groups and legal proceedings preferably of claiming complete restitution for victim often seek justice alone. VSO does not consider reconciliation and mediation programs as alternatives to criminal puni shment therefore offenders financial accounts are left untouched. VSOs does not support victim compensation programs, therefore victims who are ineligible for restitution through no fault of their own could be reimbursed at the same level, with their reimbursements paid from a pool of frees or restitution overages. VSOs go through the pastime processes while fighting for its victims justice. Methodological IssuesVSOs seeks evidence, including that from recorded crime, crime surveys, records of convicted offenders, accounts of emotional responses to crime, etc., on a socially constructed basis. consequently what VSOs concentrate is the data on crime that reflects the office crime has been assembled and taken place. There is no headache about the improperly collected information that reveals the crime scene. However, the VSO team is criticized for working in the following wayCrime Scene InvestigationThe VSO is quite popular in taking decisions whether or not to analyse the locati on of the criminal offense. In some incidents VSOs are right in predicting that a crime has indeed been committed and it is a crime scene. However, in many situations it is observed that VSOs fail to predict the seriousness of the crime and does not consider that one of the initial and primary tasks of the crime scene investigator is to determine whether or not a crime has been committed. In this context the blame must not be put on to VSOs alone as in many European countries including UK, National training centers only conduct goldbrick courses for creating Victim support officers and team. Resources, instead of basing on the complexity and seriousness of the alleged incident are subordinate on their officers decision. Crime scene is not analysed on the basis of its full potential. This is true as in many cases it is seen that the police, the field scientist, the laboratory scientist and the prosecutor instead of joining together to produce a deposit of facts that make it unrea sonable to believe any conclusion other than the one the facts support, are giving exclusive facts. Therefore, the facts taken individually are not exposed to reasonable doubts, helpful in solving the crime.