Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Coursework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Coursework - Essay ExampleWith the introduction of retiring age, employers are now refrained from discriminating on the grounds of age, even at the time of recruitment, training, redundancy and other policies that deals with the employer and the employees relationship (Harris, et al 56). Harassment There is no specific constabulary, which deals with the issue of harassment at workplace. However, an bear upon person can knock at the door of competent court of law to get his or her grievances redressed under the criminal law known as Protection from Harassment Act. In peachy term, harassment in the workplace can be described as any unwanted attending that causes offence, embarrassment, humiliation, upset. However, if it is based on sex, race or disability, the concerned discriminatory law can be invoked to get protection. Further, in serious cases, some compensation can be had inclusive of damages to hurt someones feelings. Offensive remarks, personal comments, jokes based on raci sm and sex, touching, vulgar displays, abusive expression come under the purview of harassment (Harris, et al 59). In order to make his case soused against discriminatory attitude by the employer and the harassment at work premise, William may adopt the following turn tail a) keep a diary of the incidents that took place b) witnesses of co workers c) confront harassment d) bring forth a name with HR and e) discuss the matter with Union Representative (Harris, et al 61). It is the responsibility of the employer to protect his workers from harassment no matter of their backgrounds. William has the option to claim compensation by registering his complain with the employment tribunal on the specified course of instruction ETI since it is a mandatory requirement. Mentioned form contains a lot of information e.g. name of the complainant, postal address, reasons for complaint, whether the complainant would handle to re-instate or to lodge claim for compensation. William has the opt ion to invoke the jurisdiction of competent Tribunal without bothering grievance procedure. By passing the grievance, procedure may lead to reduction up to 25% in any demo granted by the Tribunal (Harris, et al 63). At this point of time, the said victim will station a copy of ETI form to be opposeed on form ET3 within 28 days. If he fails to respond within the specified period of time, there is apprehension that the Tribunal may issue impugn perceptiveness in favour of the complainant. Before filing the complaint with the Tribunal, employee may exercise his or her option of atonement. If conciliation fails to materialize, the compelling option for remedy is Tribunal (Harris, et al 63-64). The legal process is cumbersome with reference to life history witnesses, cross examine the witnesses by other side, engage a lawyer and to bear legal expenses. belongings in mind the time consuming legal process, we advise William to confine himself to the process of conciliation. Q. 2. Wh ere should William go to turn back action on his personal trauma claim? From whom should he seek advice and what formal and informal mechanisms tycoon he use to resolve the dispute? To analyse the claim of William with regard to personal injury, we have to have a look on the law of tort and its provisions, which provide relief to the victim of personal injury besides emotional injury. In accordance with English law,tort falls under the common law

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