Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Comparing Much Ado About Nothing :: essays research papers

In the first essay, written by Jean Howard, the main idea or thesis seems to localise on the antitheatrical aspects of the play. The actual thesis would be Shakespe are employs antitheatrical discourse in a way that advantages certain social groups without calling attention to the fact that it does that. Howard takes a loss approach to the play. She looks at how the conflict intertwines itself and makes a constant reference to the social aspects of each of the characters in the play. Howard starts by giving general ideas where she gives a brief succinct of the main plot of the story that involves Don sewer, Don Pedro, and Claudio. She reads the play in relationship to antitheatrical tracts. This makes the political dimensions more apparent in the work. The play itself speaks to several diametrical senses of social class. Although Much Ado about Nothing is a play, it mirrors the world as it was. It deals with the power being put in the hands of the "status quo" and it ma kes give ear of the social order, especially the fear of women who want the same power as men.Howard also mentions that the play seems to emphasize the consequences of sin, in this case, telling lies. She goes into the scene where Don John gets Margaret, Heros servant, to play Hero as so to deceive Claudio. This would make Hero appear to be "easy" and make Claudio not want to marry her. beforehand all of this goes on, Don Pedro impersonates Claudio at the ball, to get in Heros good graces. This is another lie. Even though Don Pedros "trick" does more good than harm, the audience and readers are now given the job to cope with the morality of each situation. Most of Howards reading of the play deals with the two impersonators (Don John and Don Pedro) and their sense of moral responsibility during this time. It also speaks to the social consequences of their practices. Howard suggests that Don John provides a moral reading because he is the chief antagonist in the pl ay. She seems to say that in essence, he is mephistophelean and readers can identify and justify his actions because he is evil. Does that make it right? She also says that since he is the bastard brother of Don Pedro, his evil acts are ideologically profound because they identify the social disorder of those who have and those who have not.

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